• To submit your company logo, please CLICK HERE to access our dedicated upload page for logos. This will direct you to the necessary platform where you can easily upload and submit your logo for our records. We appreciate your attention to this detail and look forward to receiving your logo.

  • To donate through your charitable giving account, simply inform the organization managing your account that the beneficiary is Live Your Dream. Provide them with the following details:

    Name: Live Your Dream

    Address: 3651 N 100 E STE 275 Provo, Utah 84604

    EIN #: 27-2234901

  • If you prefer not to donate through the website, you can mail a check to Live Your Dream at 3651 N 100 E STE 275 Provo, Utah 84604. Alternatively, you can use Venmo by sending your donation to @liveyourdreamfoundation (you can scan the provided QR code).

  • Absolutely! You can donate through Venmo by sending your contribution to @liveyourdreamfoundation. To make it even easier, you can scan the QR code provided.

  • To avoid any fees associated with your donation, simply mail a check to Live Your Dream at 3651 N 100 E STE 275 Provo, Utah 84604.

  • If you're interested in fundraising for Live Your Dream, please reach out to us via email at We would love to discuss potential opportunities and support your efforts.

  • If you have talents you'd like to contribute to Live Your Dream, please contact Katie Bunnell at We appreciate your willingness to share your skills and look forward to discussing how you can make a meaningful impact.

  • 100% of your donation will benefit our cause. You can choose which area you'd like your donation to support: scholarships, the endowment fund, or overhead costs.